Silhouette Beauty Spa
Brand Over View

Silhouette Beauty Spa, located in Dubai, offers beauty, wellness, and slimming services.



Message Conversations Starts


Instagram Reach Increased


Facebook Reach Increased​

The Goal;

The advertising campaign had two main objectives. Firstly, it aims to achieve over 150,000 video impressions, indicating a desire for widespread visibility and engagement with the video content. Secondly, to attract leads through Instagram and Facebook, with an emphasis on obtaining high-quality leads—individuals genuinely interested and likely to become customers.

The Results;

The attached screenshot is from the Facebook Ads Manager Dashboard, revealing that video impressions’ target has not only been met but exceeded it to reach 193,182 impressions. The entire audience comprises females from the UAE, which was the targeted country.

From the day we started working i.e. from 1st Nov to 22 November, Instagram reach increased by 125%, Facebook reach increased by 748%, and Instagram profile visits increased by 77%+, while Facebook profile visits increased by 108%+. We closed the impressions campaign on 26th Nov. evening since we achieved the target impressions.